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By Bill Powell

As we have grown over the years, we have tried to document some of the progress that has taken place because of your faithfulness, prayers, and financial support. We encourage you to go to our website, and click on the About Us page. At the bottom of the page, click “Learn More.” You will see many pictures and how much progress has been made. I might add this is just a brief overview.

So far in 2021 a large part of the progress will be unseen by most. A great deal of time and expense has been spent to secure the foundation of this radio ministry. (Luke 6:49) "But the one who has heard and has not acted accordingly, is like a man who built a house on the ground without any foundation; and the torrent burst against it and immediately it collapsed, and the ruin of that house was great."

The studios building had all the wood rot repaired and the building painted. The fence was repaired, the generator cabinet top replaced, and the 80 ft tower repaired and painted. In New Smyrna, our 380 ft tower had several repairs, and it too was painted. These were major jobs. I won’t bore you with the myriad of other maintenance work that has kept us busy. I just want you to know your giving goes to reach people with the gospel, but that can’t happen if we are not good stewards. (Gen 2:15) Then the LORD God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. Just as God commanded Adam and Eve to tend to the garden, we have been given this ministry to tend to. We place a high priority on maintaining the infrastructure of the Cornerstone and staying current with the technology. Without sounding too dramatic, the message of the gospel- is it not of the utmost importance? I hope you feel the way I do. This is God’s ministry, and all of us are its caretakers.

September 15th thru the 17th is our Fall Fundraiser. Our goal is $50,000. It is important especially since our maintenance costs exceeded our proposed budget. These are real numbers that we need to meet. If we don’t make it in the fundraiser, they are still real numbers that are necessary. More times than not, the funds come in through the year, but it’s better to know. Yes, we live by faith, but faith is not standing holding a shovel waiting for the hole to appear. As you plan for your journey to your forever home, please consider us in your estate planning. Please pray for us and that we continue reaching people with the gospel and that many answer the call.

To everyone that gives of their time, talent, and treasure thank you and keep the faith. God love you and will see you through.



By Chris Johnson

I love the book of Psalms and I know many of our readers would echo that statement. The messages of the Psalms are wide ranging and give voice to so many of our thoughts, emotions, situations, and stages in life. There’s little doubt that many hearts are troubled at the days we’re living in and the uncertainties that abound. The temptation to be consumed with these anxieties and allow our minds to run that gamut of possibilities is always present. The reality of these challenging times is just that- reality. We would be foolish to simply brush these thoughts away and pretend that all is well in the world. However, we would also be foolish to ignore the words of life that God has given us in the Bible to calm our souls and give instruction to our hearts. We must think Biblically and one of the prescriptions found many times in the Scripture is that we are called to “Be Strong and Take Courage.” In Psalm 21:24, the psalmist specifically says this to those who are waiting on the Lord. There’s the key. If we are not waiting on Jesus then we have no reason to be strong or take courage. He is the Rock of our Salvation. He is the God who is our Refuge. The winds and waves of life will surely come upon everyone, and yet, for those who hope in Christ and wait upon the Lord, there is certainty and peace. Romans 8:31 comes to mind and serves to encourage us as we wait.

The Cornerstone radio ministry is committed to encouraging our listeners to be strong and take courage as they too wait upon the Lord. Our daily programming is designed to foster faith and fill you with the great news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This month we are encouraging all our radio family to Keep the Faith and to help us continue to reach our community with the only true message of hope. We need your prayers and your financial support. Won’t you help? Be Strong, Take Courage, Wait upon the Lord and partner with us as we engage in our Fall Fundraiser September 15-17.



By Denisha Stearns

When I purchased my gently used SUV wagon a few years back, I nicknamed her Maggie, after Mary Magdalene, one of my favorite people of the New Testament. I believed my Maggie would help me in ministering to my loved ones with special transportation and delivery needs. And she has! In the New Testament, the true Mary Magdalene was known for her demon possession and Jesus’ freeing her of that state. Mary then supported Jesus in His ministry with both her presence and her wealth. I can understand a woman of that time in history wanting to hold on to every penny! But, (I speculate) Mary showed generosity to Jesus from her thankful heart. Her support of Jesus and the disciples helped others hear the good news of the kingdom of God and know her same or similar freedom.

We are so thankful for the many “Maggies” of our ministry! Over the years, many Maggies have drawn near to us and have given selflessly and generously from thankful hearts. Maybe I am writing about YOU! With your financial (and also prayer) support, you have helped make our work possible, expanding the reach of our message possible, and even our new endeavor of clearer reception possible, as we “Continue to Keep the Faith” in Jesus. Please tune in during our Fall Fundraiser, September 15th through 17th to hear more ministry updates. And if you see a brown wagon with a back window sticker of zipping around town, it’s me and Maggie- give us a honk!.



By Christina Hutchinson

If you haven't noticed by the images inserted in this newsletter, well let me just tell ya, fall is quickly approaching. In my opinion, it can't come quick enough. The heat this past August has been sweltering. I don't expect much difference in September. As the seasons continue to change, both environmentally and metaphorically, it's nice to know and be reminded that our Heavenly Father never changes. Neither does our mission here on earth. Spread the gospel. Tell of Jesus' name. Bring people what they're desperately craving; truth and a safe haven from evil. Here at The Cornerstone, reaching the lost and discipling the saved is our duty. I pray that unbelievers who tune in have ears to hear the gospel, that their hearts are changed, and their relationship with Christ is reconciled. I pray that Christians who tune in are edified and encouraged by the truth spoken in the programs and songs. Our mission continues if our listeners continue to support us. Please consider being a part of our continuing mission during our fall fundraiser September 15th-17th. Call or text in a pledge, you can even make a donation on our website at God Bless.


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Our Stations



89.7 FM

New Smyrna Beach

90.3 FM

Flagler Beach

97.3 FM


Daytona Beach

102.7 FM


101.3 FM

St. Augustine


1450 AM

Greater Daytona Beach

New Smyrna Beach

96.9 FM


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