July 2019 Newsletter
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July 4 | Independence Day
Prayer Corner | Join us every Thursday at 9 am for prayer
July is a special month filled with celebration and vacation! The USA celebrates its 243rd birthday this year as a nation. Scripture commands us to pray for our nation, its leaders and its people! We pray every Thursday morning at the Cornerstone, and there’s not a week that goes by that we don’t lift up our nation and her leaders in prayer. Praise the Lord for the freedoms we enjoy and the liberty we have. We’d also like to encourage you to pray for all those traveling this summer! Vacations abound in July as families take advantage of the last few weeks before the next school year begins. May those vacations be filled with great memories, safe travels, and the joy of the Lord.
By Bill Powell
I hope you are enjoying your summer. My wife and I just returned from a trip to the Colorado mountains. I was able to go up to Pike’s Peak. My wife told me she wasn’t going up there. “I am afraid of heights and those drop offs!” I tried and tried to get her to go but she wasn’t having it. I didn’t press very hard. As I was going up the mountain, I kept saying to myself she wouldn’t be afraid of this. This is not so bad as I traveled up. What’s she so afraid of, I thought. As I got further up the mountain the air got thinner and the roads got narrower and the drop offs got more pronounced. Then I started saying to myself, “Boy I am glad I didn’t coerce her into coming. She would have killed me.”
By the time I got to the top, I was breathing pretty heavy, and although I was determined to get me some pictures and experience the views, I couldn’t get down from there fast enough. I was sucking wind like I had never experienced. It was a truly rewarding experience but not for the faint at heart, or my wife. Our whole trip was nothing but one spectacular view after another. The spender and magnificence of this creation that the Lord has made is too spectacular to grasp. What a God we serve. When I look at what I know and see, it is surreal in itself. Yet I can’t help to think of 1 Cor 2:9(KJV) But as it is written, ‘Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.’
Maybe you are climbing a different mountain. A mountain which may be a health issue or a family issue mountain. Maybe the air seems to be getting thin and the drop offs are getting closer than you feel comfortable with. If we can pray for you, drop us a line or give us a call. It is our prayer you reach the summit and find your way down the mountain as fast as I got off Pike’s Peak. Remember, eyes have not seen or ears heard the things the Lord has for those who love him. In His hands are the depths of the earth and the Peaks of the mountain. Psa 95:4 (NASB) In whose hand are the depths of the earth, the peaks of the mountains are His also.
I would like to also mention we were able to take a tour of Focus on the Family and sit in on one of the programs being recorded. We especially enjoyed visiting the studios that records all the sounds for Adventures in Odyssey. Focus has a tremendous ministry with many factettes and resources. I recommend you visit their web site (focusonthefamily.com). Have your kids or grandchildren check out our kid’s page at www.wjlu.org for links to Adventures in Odyssey. Finally, we also had a treat to visit Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson. We sat in on a program with Dr. Dobson and Tom Colburn as they discussed the current movement to create a convention of states. This was a provision the founding fathers put in place in the event our government got out of control to help right the ship. The program airs June 25 and 26th. Let us know if you would like a copy.
We hope you enjoy your summer and if you’re climbing a Pike’s Peak, it is our prayer that you get back to sea level. Don’t forget, if you can, to think of us. We are working hard to maintain this blessing the Lord has entrusted to us so we can continue proclaiming the gospel 24/7/365.
By Chris Johnson
Recently, I was reading through a passage of Scripture in the book of Romans, when I had to stop and read it again, and again, and again. Have you ever done that? Part of the reason for my repetition was the conviction of my own inability to obey the words on those pages without the help of the Holy Spirit. As I read over the words again and again, I began to think of the many times I’d not obeyed the instructions Paul had laid out. Sure, there were moments where I rejoiced at a few memories of getting it right but the majority of my thoughts were given to thinking deeply on the text and asking forgiveness for missing the mark. I also spent some time thanking the Lord for the promise that He’s at work in my life to accomplish His good purposes. As my time of reflection concluded, I thought for a moment about what had just happened. I’d heard the words of the Lord coming from the written page and paused to listen, ponder and worship. Doesn’t that seem to be the course that Mary, Martha’s sister, chose when the Lord came to their house? In Luke 10, we find the well-known account of these two sisters. Martha was busy about preparation while Mary had paused from that business, in order to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen, ponder and worship. She’d heard the words of the Master, and everything else of seemingly great importance faded as she sat at the feet of Jesus.
I’m sure we all find ourselves overwhelmed at times with the race of life. Maybe a pause would helpful. Maybe some planned, intentional pauses even. More importantly would be to pause and sit at the feet of Jesus. Has the pace of life caused for ignorance of the words of life? Has our time of reading and studying the Scriptures waned? When’s the last time we purposefully listened, pondered, and worshiped? Jesus honored Mary’s pause and gently cautioned Martha to join her. Martha’s labors were worthy efforts but Mary’s pause was of much greater importance. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to pause today and be ministered to.
By Christina Hutchinson
It’s easy for us to feel like we’re waiting in a limbo when there is something that we so badly want. Just like right now I am really wanting to have this newsletter wrapped up so it can be sent to the printers and then the rest of the week will run smoothly! Unfortunately, I was hit with some writer’s block. I have a hard time deciding what needs to be said without sounding aggressive or sad. “Do I really want to go there? Do I sound depressing?” Hence the title for this article. I simple wrote “To Be Determined” up there while editing this newsletter because I had no idea what to write about. The fact of the matter is after reading that title a couple times I got to thinking about things that I long and hope for that are yet to be determined from my perspective. That’s the hard part about life sometimes. Those of us who work hard and are responsible, we have goals or achievements we want met and yet we don’t know when or if those things will ever come to pass.
It’s like waiting on a trip somewhere or waiting for your favorite music artist to go on tour, seeing the tour state line up and next to your area says “TBD- to be determined.” And then you think “but I want to know now! What if they cancel? What if I don’t get to take that date off of work because they waited too long to determine the date?” Or what if the picture is even bigger than that? What if you’re waiting on a family member to come to Christ? What if like me, you’re waiting on the Lord to grow your family? Waiting is hard. And like so many things, everything to us feels like it is all yet to be determined and sometimes feels like we will never know what the outcome will be. However, we know that’s not true! We know that God has a purpose and a plan for each one of our lives. Whether that’s catching the next For King & Country concert or celebrating the day when someone close to you is adopted into the family of Christ! We all look forward to the plans God has for us. The way we navigate the overwhelming feeling of “TBD” is by faith. We don’t have faith in what is seen but what is unseen. We walk by faith and not by sight. Our hope is in Christ, and therefore, whatever the outcome may be on the other side of “TBD” we know that Jesus will be with us every step of the way. He will show us how to use each day through the journey to bring Him glory!
By Denisha Stearns
I never knew THAT was in there! I was reading my Bible yesterday, and what I read took me by surprise (in a good way). The more regular of a Bible reader I have become over the years, the more surprised I am to come across something in the Bible that seems new. It's a bit like the diamond ring my husband found once in the Walmart parking lot- way better than the spare dime or penny on heads that happens to catch my own eye from time to time.
I had a similar experience when I began working at the Cornerstone. While having enjoyed and learned from many of the programs on the FM station for quite a few years before, I was introduced to the AM programming and experienced such joyful surprise at the abundance of great programs. I kept saying to myself, I never knew THAT was in there! The Cornerstone really is a gem! Did you know we have a program on the AM for Christian nature lovers and sportspersons? It's called God's Great Outdoors. It airs Saturdays 10:30am. Then there are the news and cultural commentary programs that are providing listeners a good biblical perspective, like In the Marketplace (Weekdays at 5pm) and The Briefing (Weekdays at 1am and 8am). How about a fresh voice for Bible teaching? We have received a lot of positive feedback about Core Christianity with Michael Horton (Weekdays, 2:30am and 3:30pm, and Saturday 8:30pm. Sunday 10:30am). With the internet, geography is no longer a barrier to listening to our new favorite programs. If you are out of frequency range with your radio for the AM or for the FM, you can listen anywhere through our website or by way of a streaming device.
As a Christian, I am encouraged in my walk and in my witnessing as I hear of the various ways, people, and interests that God uses to draw people to faith in His Son, Jesus. There are programs for everyone on our stations, so please share generously! And you, our listeners, are the most generous people I know. It just may help change someone's life. I hope you will try something new, too, and find yourself saying, “I never knew THAT was in there!”
Please check out our program guides for the FM (WJLU/WJLH) and the AM (WMFJ) on our website, or call us to request a printed guide in your mailbox or email at (386) 756-9094.