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1.16 | Sanctity of Human Life Sunday


As we step into the new year of 2022 please join us in praying for all of God’s people. That He would give us strength to persevere in this fallen world each year, month, day, and moment. We pray that He would help us to keep our focus on Him alone and continue to live our lives for His glory. We also ask you to join us in praying for those affected by the tornados back in December, that they would find comfort and rest in Christ. We pray He gives them the strength and the resources to start their lives over again, as some of them have lost everything.




By Bill Powell

The Cornerstone just wrapped up the collection drive for the homeless, needy children, and the nursing homes. I must say I am excited to tell you about it. The verse that keeps popping in my brain is Luke 6:38, "Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return." That is just what happened. Your generosity to bless others was overwhelming.

First, let me tell you about the homeless collection. Wow! The items received were fantastic. One church group put together a bundle for individuals that had an assortment of items like a blanket, hygiene items, socks, etc. They also brought several nice coats. Others donated personal hygiene items, blankets, and hoodies. It took two trips of a full-sized van to deliver them. Without a doubt, it was pressed down running over. One brother donated over 50 nice hoodies.

The children’s collections were also phenomenal. It took two trips of a packed ford explorer to deliver them all. Your generosity also included $900.00 of gift cards for the teens. These items go to children in foster care who were removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect. Another verse that comes to mind is when Jesus was asked, “when did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothed you?” (Matt 25:31-40). (Mat 25:40) "The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'

Finally, the nursing home collection was a home run. I have a 94-year-old mother-in-law in a memory care facility, so this was something dear to my heart. I don’t know how to fully express our gratefulness to all of you who donated. Nor do I know how to explain and share the thoughtfulness and care you all took in the items donated. Enough items were donated to give each resident in 3 needy nursing homes a nice gift. There were numerous hand-made items, robes, slippers, beautiful blankets, sugar-free candy, gift bags, hundreds of toiletry items, and so much more. A rough estimate- there were over 2000 items donated. One elementary school had the children make a Christmas card that was given along with the gifts. This was precious and priceless.

As we begin 2022, remember to stick to the trunk of the tree. We are followers of Jesus Christ. He loves us and promises to care for His sheep. Let your plans for 2022 be driven by your faith in Jesus.

Happy New Year,

(Col 3:23) Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men,

(Col 3:24) knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.



By Chris Johnson

Happy New Year Cornerstone Listeners! Wow! It’s 2022. I don’t’ know about you but I always find the new year to be fresh and inspiring. January provides a wonderful opportunity to look back on the prior year and access goals and accomplishments, as well as looking forward to planning and forecasting the year ahead. As I begin my 18th year of ministry at Cornerstone Broadcasting, I can’t help but express my thanksgiving to the Lord for his abundant grace and mercy throughout the years. The joy of serving our local community is magnified, met each day by the knowledge that the gospel of Jesus Christ broadcasts far and wide over the radio airwaves and our internet radio platforms. Additionally, I find great joy and inspiration from the outpouring of love that’s consistently shown by our listeners. Every year, listeners call and pledge their financial support for this ministry. Every week we get cards and emails from listeners telling us they’re praying for us and giving God glory for the work He’s doing in their life through this radio ministry. Every year, countless listeners respond to our pleas for help when we offer various opportunities to serve the needy in our local community. Looking back on 2021, these demonstrations of love and so many others are causes for rejoicing and praise. We thank God for each one of you and pray the Lord’s abounding blessings on you and your family in 2022.


IN '22

By Denisha Stearns

Let’s see, what rhymes with ‘two’ blue?...through…stew?? A few years ago, a friend shared how each January, he creates a slogan to rhyme with the new year’s numbers, as sort of a varsity cheer of encouragement to himself and to his brothers and sisters in Christ. So, maybe “fixed on You in ‘22” (meaning Jesus) could be my cheer for this year. Apostle Paul wrote to different churches about having our minds, eyes, and our determination set spiritually on the things of the Lord. “Set your mind on things above… (Col 3:2). “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus… (Heb 12:2). “Be steadfast, immoveable… (1 Cor 15:58). Paul also warned against living without that purposeful determination. As I ponder that, I can think of many years where I went wherever the wind blew. Some were not good years. Others were good but not God’s perfect will. I then decided that I don’t want to live being blown about! I want to do better and be purposeful about living and about abounding in God’s work. Do you? Pray with me… Jesus, let us be “fixed on You in ’22.”



By Christina Hutchinson

Do you ever have those people in your life that you dearly love, but it’s hard to “make time” for them because it inconveniences you? It almost seems like those two things shouldn’t go together. How can you say you love someone yet not make time for them? If you love someone, you want to spend time with that person. You want to learn about what’s going on in their lives, support them, etc. Relationships take work and sacrifice. We know that applies to marriage, but really, all relationships are no different. Your relationships are made stronger when you pour into one another; it’s not a one-way street. This is why the Bible tells us to "Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor" Romans 12:10 ESV. Yeah, we’re busy people, so time gets away from us. Days, months, years go by and in a flash, you realize that you should have made the time even if it was an inconvenience. No relationship is convenient.

This also reminds me of our relationship with God himself. He also has poured into us and we say that we love Him, but we don’t make time to read His word and pray. We’re too “busy.” We’re in the middle of winter, but it’s time to pull the weeds. Dig up those things that are getting in the way of your relationship with Christ. I don’t think He was thinking about how convenient life would be for us when He was hanging on the cross. I think He was thinking about how much He loves His people that He made the ultimate sacrifice for once and for all and how it would cost us our life to be with Him! Maybe this new year, we can spend more time in His word and fellowship with His people, even the Inconvenient.



By Brandon Schmidt

When I think of the New Year, I often think of how it reflects the Christian life so well. The New Year brings with it a time of reflection of what Christ has done in our lives and a looking ahead to what He will do. As we reflect over the past year on all that has happened, we evaluate our lives, repent over sins, rejoice over triumphs, grieve losses, and look forward to what is ahead with joyful anticipation. Over the past year, I have had many things to thank God for, one of which is coming to be a part of the ministry of the Cornerstone. I thank God for our listeners and supporters. I was blown away by the love that is shared here at The Cornerstone. It was so evident during our Christmas collections. I was overwhelmed by the number of items that were collected. Thank you all for who participated once again! Also, I look forward to this coming year and what it will bring. I pray to be an effective man of God, growing in grace and truth, being conformed more to the image of Christ! SOLI DEO GLORIA



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