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In the month of February, we're asking our listeners to join us in prayer as we continue to serve East Central Florida broadcasting the gospel of Jesus Christ over the airwaves. It is our earnest prayer that each day the programming on the Cornerstone will minister to untold thousands in Volusia, Flagler, and St. John's counties. We praise the Lord that we know He hears our prayers and answers in a multitude of ways.


MARCH 23 - 25


Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching

everyone with all wisdom, that we may present

everyone mature in Christ. Colossians 1:28 ESV



By Bill Powell

As a Christian there are questions we need to ask ourselves. What can we do about it? What should we

do about it? The “it” is “the state of the world we live in”. Should we vote? Of course, we should. Will that

solve the real problems we face? Not really! Should we create civil disobedience? Should we march? Should we boycott? Maybe if we rant and rave, argue and shout that would change things. How about looting and burning, will that fix everything? Should we march on Washington and protest in the streets? Should we shame the perpetrators, slander, and accuse?

Actually, all the things that I stated are what has been taking place over the last few years. Things keep getting worse, not better. Let’s face it- the problems are bigger than you and me. Man (or do I have to say “people”) doesn’t have the answers. Only the maker of all things has the ability and the answers to all life’s problems.

(Col 1:15NASB) He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.

(Col 1:16NASB) For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him.

(Col 1:18NASB) He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.

The answers to what we are to do are found in the scriptures (Heb 10:25NASB) not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near. (Php 1:27NASB) Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I will hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;

Together we must coalesce behind the scriptures and together proclaim Christ. This we must do in our Churches, our places of work, and through this radio ministry. We thank all of you who see that the many of us together proclaiming Christ will have a larger impact than all the negative things that you have seen done over the past few years. I love this verse in Ecclesiastes. (Ecc 4:12NASB) And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

The Cornerstone is made up of many (Rom 12:5NASB) So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. Jesus is the answer. Until the Christian worldview as it is spelled out in scripture is followed, we can expect more of the same. Together following Christ in all that we do is our best chance for a society. Jesus left us an example that we should follow in His steps. (Joh 13:15NASB) For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. Next month is our annual Sharathon. Can we count on you to help us stay strong in our community together proclaiming Christ?



By Chris Johnson

Would you say your life is marked by the attitude of compassion? Mercy and kindness were hallmark characteristics of Jesus’ life and ministry and I’m convinced that we too must be growing in our expression of these attributes. Compassion, mercy, kindness, and love flow from the heart of a servant and it’s been my personal prayer that the Lord would continue to fashion them in my own life. In January we had the privilege of interviewing the directors of three local pregnancy care centers in Volusia and Flagler counties. I praise the Lord for these ministries and was overwhelmed by the great work each of them are doing in our cities. Their service to families in need of compassionate care and biblical wisdom moved me to pray for each of them and encourage others to volunteer their time and give of their finances to help these frontline workers who are sharing Christ with so many in our community. Maybe you have a heart for this kind of ministry, or maybe the Lord has burdened you to help care for the homeless, the foster children, the orphans, the disabled, or maybe the prisoner. Believe it or not, there are so many areas where we as Christians can actively participate in showing Christ-centered compassion through service and sharing the gospel of salvation in Christ alone. This kind of ministry requires our time and energy. Sacrifice is part of the process but what a joyful sacrifice it is. Our Lord demonstrated compassion in the greatest of ways. How are we following his lead?



By Denisha Stearns

On day one of high school in the movie, Sky High(2005), most every student knew into which group they would be divided: hero or sidekick. The sidekicks seemed generally scarred as second-class citizens. Yet, by movie’s end, the sidekicks had accepted their powers and their limits and played to their strengths, helping the heroes (and each other) prevail over the evil villain. I imagine quite a few children saw the movie and made up a game- Hero and Sidekicks- “Jesus will be our Hero. He has super powers AND invisibility, and we all can be the sidekicks and help Him fight the evil people.”

Well, we are all quite grown now and not given to playing make-believe. But there is a real fight in our world- a fight for the hearts and minds of people, a fight to save humanity. Though the Lord could very well accomplish this without us, He chose to include us instead. As First Corinthians 12 describes, we are one body with many members and differing gifts, useful to serve our fellow sidekicks (my word) and to play our part in the rescue effort of people who are in real trouble! So, whether it is from our homebase, church headquarters, or our vocational mission fields, let’s keep using what the good Lord gave each of us to help proclaim Christ together. He IS our Hero!



By Christina Hutchinson

There’s no doubt that I indeed have a strong-willed child. She wants to do everything and anything for herself with no help, except when she needs me to squeeze her applesauce pouch so she doesn’t spill it. I knew she was going to be my strong-willed child when she was very little, about 6 months old. She has always hated when I get her dressed, wipe her face, and put lotion on her and it’s been a fight since day one. Doesn’t she know I’m just trying to do what’s best for her? She hates naps and is up multiple times a night and has done so since 3 months old. She has her way of doing everything and doesn’t want anyone to interfere. Yeah, she’s my wild-spirited, independent girl and I love her. Days when she throws herself on the floor, grabs my face, and tries to bite me, I can’t help but laugh and think to myself “is this what we put God through when we try and follow our own plan and understanding instead of His?” We go kicking and screaming down the path He has laid out for us, don’t we? Well maybe some of us. It can be hard for us strong-willed independent people to fully embrace what God has in store and that it’s truly best for us. It doesn’t seem like it in the moment, but on the other side, we come out humbled. We come out of it thankful and with praise for a sovereign God who never left us. Yeah, we might think we know what is best for us or what we want, but our loving Father knows what we need and when we need it. I don’t understand how He has as much grace as He does but I’m sure thankful for it. I only pray that I extend as much grace to Cora through all of her strong-willed days. Side note, we are looking forward to our spring sharathon in March, I hope you partner with us and help us “Proclaim Christ Together.” Thank you listeners for all your support throughout the years!



By Brandon Schmidt

When I think about Jesus’ love for us, I am truly amazed. He truly is compassionate; I mean think about it with me for a moment. The all-powerful, all-knowing, God of the universe created us perfectly. In Genesis Chapter 3, we read that Man fell and defied God in rebellion. What God does next is amazing. He does not ignore the sin, nor does He destroy Adam and Eve for their rebellion. He extended grace to them and in doing so, to all of us as children of Adam and Eve. He also promised that Jesus our Messiah would come. One day He would save us, sanctify us, and subdue sin once and for all. We know that Christ has come. Not only are those who claim Christ as Savior and Lord saved and forgiven of our sins, but we are also in-dwelt with the Holy Spirit. So, now God lives in each believer. This is mind-blowing! God lives in us enabling us to no longer walk in darkness, but for us to fellowship with Him, as we walk in light. (I Jn. 1:5-10) This is what we proclaim as believerS. This is the message of the gospel and it is amazing.

As we enter Sharathon this year, our theme is “Proclaiming Christ Together.” I pray you would consider partnering with us proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, so others will know the truth and be saved!



956 S. Old Dixie Hwy Bunnell, FL 32110

Sundays: 9:00AM Life Groups Worship Service: 10:30AM

Wednesdays: 6:45 PM Worship Service, youth group, and children’s ministry.


Gerry's Marina sells and services boats, motors and trailers, Bennington pontoons, sportsman's fishing boats take boats on consignment. They also provide helpful financial options and even storage, parts and service. Meeting Central Florida's boating needs for over 23 years. Location: 179 N Causeway New Smyrna Beach.

Phone: 386-428-2341



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