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March 2019 Newsletter

Save The Date:

March 10: Daylight Savings Time Begins

March 19: Spring Sharathon

March 20: First Day of Spring

Prayer Corner

Will you please join us in praying to the Father for Sharathon? That…

•Those who are on-air this Sharathon week will communicate well and wisely this ministry.

•We will have many listeners to participate in this effort how the Holy Spirit prompts them.

•Our staff and volunteers will have the energy to do what is required of us this week.

•The pledges given during Sharathon will meet our goal.

•And most of all, that Christ Jesus will be given honor in all we do this week.



by Bill Powell

I do not know anyone who would say, “I have more than enough money to give to every ministry that is important to me”. Do you know anyone who would say, “I couldn’t seem to find enough causes for this money I would like to give away?” If you do, send them our way. As Christians, we do not only have to manage our money but we need to be good stewards of it.

As you manage what the Lord has entrusted to you, I would like to make a case for you to consider us in your giving decision process. We are a 501(C)(3) not for profit radio ministry. We are listener-supported which is tax-deductible. We also have been members of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability for 20 years. What is that, you might ask? In short, we are required to adhere to seven laws of financial accountability. It proves we are good stewards of the money you donate to us. See for more proof. Why should you give some of your hard-earned money to The Cornerstone? Please consider our value to you and our community. Our theme this year is Faithfull to the Word. We research and make sure all of our programming is faithful to the Word. We provide you with an array of programs that may have some differences but all adhere to the essentials of the Christian faith. You can trust us with your money and your soul. We are a reliable source for promoting the Christian worldview. No fake news here. We vet all that we program. We help you grow spiritually, and we have great music with a message. We are a safe place for information and Biblical truth. We should be a part of every Christian’s listening mix.

Finally, The Cornerstone is a part of our community’s infrastructure. Where will the lost go for Biblical truth? We are a voice crying in the wilderness. We will continue to sow seeds with hopes the field will become ripe for the harvest. You the listener, you are our main source for funding. No gift is too small, and no gift is too large. We value every dollar donated. Our goal is $160,000. If you are in a position to make a large contribution this year, please consider us. If you have any valuables that you would like to pass on for a tax deduction and the value of it used to further the gospel, please consider us. I will be happy to talk with you. Help us reach our goal. It is a matter of eternal life. (2 Ti 2:2) and what you have heard from Me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. (ESV)



by Chris Johnson

Like me, maybe you’ve enjoyed friendship with someone who personified faithfulness. There’s something incredibly inviting about them isn’t there? When I consider faithfulness I think of consistency, authenticity and truthfulness. Trustworthy and immovable also come to mind. I love the beauty of faithfulness and the glory of how we behold that so perfectly in the Lord Jesus Christ. Revelation 19:11 tells us that one of the names of Jesus is indeed Faithful and True! Further, the Scripture tells us in multiple places that those who receive a heavenly reward will hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

The theme of faithfulness is found throughout the Bible, and it’s a prominent part of the mission of Cornerstone Broadcasting. Our goal, since 1989, has been to be faithful in all things but especially faithful to the Word of truth, the Scriptures. Sharathon 2019 is March 19-22, and this year we will highlight that mission and our prayerful desire to remain faithful to God’s Word into the future. We are listener supported, and the importance of remaining on the air and continuing to impact East Central Florida, and beyond, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ is our highest and greatest priority. Above all, we desire to be found faithful to the end. Will you help us reach our fundraising goal of $160,000? Your dollars serve to help us continue to change lives for eternity and minister each and every day to countless thousands of people! Youre partnership is crucial, and your investment will reap eternal rewards. Won’t you store up treasure in heaven by helping us today? Visit our website or call in your pledge today.



by Christina Hutchinson

Well, here we are! Another year’s past. Another season of Sharathon upon us. I’m glad that Sharathon takes place in the spring because it gives us a sense of renewal. You know, the freshness of spring? Sharathon for us is time where we get to watch the renewal of so many of our faithful listeners. What I mean is those of you who have given to The Cornerstone year after year, Sharathon after Sharathon. We can’t put into words how grateful we are for you and your willingness to renew your faithfulness to us! It is also a time for us to watch new listeners come into our lives and pledge their faithfulness to us as well. We are grateful for all of the lives whether new or veterans who have prayed about how they can make a commitment to this ministry. By doing so you have allowed God’s Word to be faithfully to proclaimed throughout our community and beyond. I hope you’re seeing the running theme here: faithfulness. We have committed ourselves here at The Cornerstone to be Faithful To The Word. To be faithful to proclaiming God’s truth. To be faithful in our submission to God’s will. We’re thankful for each and everyone of you who see the value in what we do here and remain Faithful To The Word. Continue to pray for our 2019 Spring Sharathon. How can you come along side The Cornerstone and pledge your support this year? No matter the gift amount, your contribution helps us remain Faithful To The Word! Call or text 386-756-9094



by Denisha Stearns

Sharathon week is just around the corner! My excitement is growing as we participate in the annual Sharathon traditions. Some we have accomplished(selecting a theme and verse and creating special artwork and on-air spots) and others are yet to happen. Guests will be coming into the station to share about their ministries and churches in the community as we share about ours. It’s not just a fundraising event! In addition to the godly encouragement we will exchange, like iron sharpens iron, we will also share food, laughter, and the celebration of the Holy Spirit working in peoples’ lives and hearts to help us continue into this next year being “Faithful to the Word” as it has been from the station’s humble beginnings. Being “Faithful to the Word” is an everyday tradition with which we take special care. We work to bring programming- teaching and music- that maintains the integrity of God’s Word without preaching any other gospel or fables. It is a big responsibility but also a privilege to do the necessary footwork away from the mics. And this is not boring- it’s life giving! Because as Jesus said, “Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God”. We pray this life-giving truth reaches your ears as often as you turn on your radio, open your Cornerstone Radio app, or to wake up your Alexa and tune in to WJLU or WMFJ. Also, during Sharathon Week, we will be sharing by live stream video on Facebook or on our website, Or how about coming down to the studio? The method may change. The mode may change. But God’s Word and our mission in Christ stays our tradition. Thank you for being faithful yourself to this ministry. We are happy to share the blessings.


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Our Stations



89.7 FM

New Smyrna Beach

90.3 FM

Flagler Beach

97.3 FM


Daytona Beach

102.7 FM


101.3 FM

St. Augustine


1450 AM

Greater Daytona Beach

New Smyrna Beach

96.9 FM


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