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June Newsletter 2018


June 17: Father's Day


Please for the fathers across the nation and the world. Some families may be struggling, pray the God would return them to a place of rest. Some families may be doing just fine, but pray that God would protect them from going off course. Pray for our men in the military and for their families as well. Also, pray that peoples hearts and minds would be opened and that they would come to know and love our Heavenly Father.




May has been a special month for us. There has been a plethora of graduations that we have been personally privy to. It was a blessing to watch via the internet Chris Johnson’s graduation from The Master’s University in California from the comfort of my easy chair. Everyone here is really proud of him. Chris graduated Magna Cum Laude. He is too modest to tell anyone that. My grandson graduated from Lake Brantley High School and will be going off to college at North Florida University. I am very proud of him. He graduated Magna Cum Laude. My granddaughter graduated from Fort Defiance High School in Virginia and will be going to Palm Beach Atlantic University. She graduated Summa Cum Laude. Sorry for the bragging, they are my grandchildren! One more- Denisha’s son, Isaac, is graduating from New Smyrna High School and will be going off to the U.S. Air Force. Please pray for him as he goes off to defend our freedoms.

You may ask, “What does any of that have to do with the price of rice in China?” If you belong to Christ, you are working towards an education of higher learning, literally. The Bible instructs us to read the Word for it is profitable for doctrine, reproof, and correction (2 Tim 3:16). We are also instructed to be like the Bereans in Acts 17:11 and search the Scriptures daily. We are told to prove all things and hold fast that which is good (I Thes 5:21). We are to do good works and gain knowledge (Col 1:10). I can see I have only scratched the surface concerning what the Bible teaches us as we wait for our graduation. Enjoy your summer, but remember: there is a lot of reading to do and assignments to finish. Congratulations to all the graduates, including those who have gone on before us.

We will all wait with great anticipation for our graduation from mortality to immortality. Instead of wearing a mortarboard on our head, we will have a crown placed on ours. We don’t long for a diploma but to hear the words “well done, good and faithful servant”. Mat 25:23 His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.' 2 Timothy 4:8 Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.




May was one incredible month, and I’m not talking about days and days of rain. While that was something to behold there were a few moments of special ecstasy that I won’t soon forget. For starters on May 4, 2018 I graduated from The Master’s University and journeyed to California for graduation. It was a marvelous joy and privilege to share this moment with some of my family and to receive that special commendation from Dr. John MacArthur (President of TMU). I’d like to thank each one of you who have offered your kind congratulations on my recent graduation. The journey has been special, and many of you have played a part in it becoming a reality.

On May 6, we visited the headquarters of Grace to You (Radio ministry of Dr. MacArthur) and was incredibly blessed by the kindness of Jay Flowers, the Chief Executive Officer of GTY, and a man who has become a dear friend of mine and The Cornerstone over the years. He spent nearly two hours with my family and showed us how the worldwide ministry runs on a daily basis. We were even able to share a few minutes with Phil Johnson, the Executive Director of GTY. While there, I was able to tell several GTY staff members about The Cornerstone, and what a joy to have the broadcasting partnership we enjoy. Many of you listen to Grace to You every day on the stations of The Cornerstone and the staff sends their love and thankfulness that we are able to broadcast the program throughout East Central Florida and beyond. I’ve included a few photos of our tour, and if you check out our Facebook page you can see more pics of our time at GTY. One of my personal favorites is the photo of the MacArthur study Bible translated into many languages including Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, and Portuguese.




When I was a little girl, I was a Nancy Drew fan all the way. I had the whole book collection. Even now, I marvel at discovering clues to a mystery, but even more when the clues are in the Bible and of the mystery of God. Sometimes when reading my Bible, I rediscover some apparently forgotten fact- a glorious feeling! Other times the discovery is subtle and easily missed. I ask myself: “How many times have I read this passage and never noticed that”? For instance, I just realized that young David actually put his hands on those bears and lions he killed. As well, the letter of 2 John was written to an unnamed Christian woman- who was she?

I also enjoy reading clues pointing to biblical truths, like when Jesus asked the sick man at the pool of Bethesda, “Do you want to be made well?” (John 5:6), the analogy of Jesus and His followers being the “light” of the world (John 8, Matt 5), and the many passages that refer to people as “chosen”. What an awesome revealing of God’s mystery.

But the aspect of God’s Word I love best (that is also a bit intimidating), is the power these words have to change me. They give me new God-honoring thoughts to think and behaviors to adopt. They discern my thoughts and my heart’s intention. And, though I am not literally included as one of the “saints” of Paul’s letters, I believe his words can apply to me in certain ways, giving me hope for my life here and in the hereafter.

So, after you are finished reading this newsletter, how about that Bible? You can explore these strange mysteries: The ten plagues of Egypt (Exo 7-12) A talking donkey (Num 22:21-39). The miracles of Jesus (Pick a gospel, any gospel). Or maybe ‘Zombies’? (Matt 27:52,53). And please share with us via mail, facebook, or email- We can marvel together!




A lot of people say that Moms have a lot of jobs. Through the journey of raising a family a mom takes on a lot of different professions. She becomes a chef, a house cleaner, a doctor, a counselor, a teacher, a detective, etc. etc. Moms are pretty amazing people! But there’s not a whole lot of talk about how awesome dads really are. They too take on many different professions when raising a family. The biggest role a dad takes on is a Super Hero! When I was young I often looked up to my dad as if he was truly a super hero! He had all the answers. He could fix anything! One night my sister and I were trying to sleep. We had a bunk bed at the time, and I slept on top while my sister was on the bottom bunk. Well, I couldn’t sleep without a light on. The bathroom wasn’t far from our room so we would turn on the light and crack the door just enough to keep some light in the room. My sister, however, hated having the light on and wanted pitch black. So we call for dad! Dad comes in and evaluates the situation. He proceeds to grab a sheet or blanket and hangs it around the outside of the bottom bunk. My sister was happy, I was happy, and so as my dad started to leave the room I thanked him and said “you always know what to do dad..”

Dad’s go into business for their families as plumbers, builders, mechanics, etc. Dads also become our protectors, providers, our strength through the rough times and all the fun and joy through the good times. They are tough yet soft at heart. They fix what is broken and if they can’t, they find a way to cheer you up and replace what was lost. They become our rescuers saving us from future heartache by directing us where we should go. To their wives they become a strong shoulder to lean on when the jobs of motherhood have become overwhelming. And together dads and moms make a perfect tag team and both should be appreciated for doing exactly what God has made them to do. “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.” Exodus 20:12. This is how we truly celebrate both our moms and our dads!


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