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Denisha Stearns

I am the office manager for Cornerstone Broadcasting.

My Story

Hi, I’m Denisha.  As the office manager at The Cornerstone, I thrive in a supportive capacity- using my clerical skills, receiving friends at the studio, and assisting the other members of the Cornerstone team in their respective roles.  My husband Phillip and I were married in 1994 and celebrated the first anniversary of my commitment to Jesus that same year.  The Cornerstone was hugely instrumental in my growth as a baby Christian in those days, and this ministry has been feeding my faith more than ever since coming on staff in 2017.  Making and enjoying music has been and will always be a part of my life.  I enjoy reading mostly non-fiction to learn new things (cooking tasty quinoa, rhinoviruses, and business contracts are some latest subjects).  Phillip and I enjoy spending time outdoors and sightseeing, and we are striving for success in growing fruits and vegetables now that our children are all grown.  When we can, we share our time with family and go fishing with both children and grandchildren.  I’m still learning to walk by faith, from faith, for faith in Christ.  I feel not quite grown up in Christlikeness but am moving forward.   This verse from Isaiah 30:15 is powerful to me today- the LORD’s words to Israel, “…In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength…”  I trust in God’s Word, and we make it heartily available on our station!  I hope you will tune in to WJLU and WMFJ often.  We have so much to share!


You can reach me by email or phone.


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