Bill Powell
I am the general manager of Cornerstone Broadcasting Inc. I've been with The Cornerstone for 25 years.
My Story
Every day I live, I see more clearly the realization that God is sovereign. Do you ever look back on your life and say, "I see how I got here now but I would have never predicted it"? I would have never predicted I would be the president of Cornerstone Broadcasting Corporation, but now I can see how my life’s experiences fitted me for it.I was born in Cleveland, Ohio, over a half century ago, a baby boomer who lived a typical life in the city. The details are not worth boring you with except for that special day when the Lord reached down and tapped me on the shoulder. Well, maybe it wasn’t a tap on the shoulder but a two-by four upside the head. He called me in spite of myself, certainly not because of myself. I remember telling the janitor where I worked that when I was older and had the time, I was going to read the Bible. I will never forget what he said, "What if you don’t live that long?" That turned on a light inside me that will never go out. I accepted Jesus as my Savior and was baptized April 14, 1973. And the rest is history. I have written a short autobiography of my early life prior to my conversion. It can be read if you're bored by clicking here. I have been married to my wife Cecelia for twenty five years, and between us we have four children and five grandchildren.
For the most part I have had three careers. I was in manufacturing management for fifteen years; I had my own insurance agency for nine years; and the last twenty years have been here at The Cornerstone. My church history has been varied. I have been a deacon, lay pastor, worship leader, board member, and I could not count the books, courses, and classes I have taken. I have been a student of the Bible for forty five years and still consider it one of my greatest joys. I count as my primary responsibility here at The Cornerstone the task of seeing that this ministry honors the Lord in all that we do and stand for. I hope you take the time to look through the history of this ministry to see just how the Lord has blessed The Cornerstone through the years. I count our success a gift from God for being true and obedient to His word. This is His ministry, and He knows we know that. To get a little better insight into me, I would like to encourage you to read my book. It is available at the Apple iBook store and at Kindle and several other eBook distributors. The title is I Dare You to Read This Book. The book has twelve chapters and is my way of having the ultimate conversation with the unbeliever and to challenge the shallow believer. The book is only $.99.